Sunday, May 1, 2011

Special Metaphor Assignment (Blog Post 14)

1. I believe that I missed the metaphor, because I really was not paying attention. I think that I read into it to much. I was so concentrated on doing the assignment and doing it well that I did not even catch the humor in the post. I also believe that the post was actually kind of difficult in getting the metaphor revealed. After reading up on Tom Johnson I should have caught on right away, but like I said I was probably concentrating to hard on getting the project done.
2. The best metaphor that I come across is the one that "football is life". In being a coach I am surrounded by sports and this metaphor is the one that sticks out to me. In so many ways this is true. Football teaches you life skills the biggest one being whgen you get knocked down you have to keep getting up. Now football is not actually life, but the metaphor is used by so many coaches, because it can teach you so many skills that you will need in life.
3. To help our student learn about metaphors, first thing is we have to teach them what a exactly what is a metaphor. Then we have to show them the proper way to use metaphors. Also we have to show them when is a good time a metaphor is used and what it is used for. If we do this I believe that the students will catch on and begin to use metaphors.
4. I believe we use metaphors to open our eyes to certain things. I think that we need humor in a way to make life enjoyable. And using metaphors does bring out the humor in our lives. This is because metaphors can have a funny swing to them and usually are humorous.

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